Sexy couple during foreplay, woman with head tilted back.

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “Q” – Quivering

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Quivering, she is quaking
Caught up in the depth of what she feels for him,
In how he can make her entire existence shift
Into a whole new feeling she clutches tight in her grasp.
It’s the dance they’ve settled into,
Shamelessly forgetting every complication
Every catch,
And yet aware of it like a siren
Off in the distance
Warning them so much pain is ahead.
But she loves him
Good god how she loves him,
Such a powerful gift, her love,
Which she knows he can feel when he comes to her,
When he cocoons her in his arms and kisses her
Like she can make everything okay.
She is his escape
And the two of them talk and whisper,
Settling into their familiar hold,
Their bodies coming together
As quickly and easily as their
Foolish and blind
Open hearts.

To read "R" — Reality, click here.
Close-up portrait of kissing couple in shadow

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “B” – Beautiful

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Beautiful is how she sees it
How she's known this, him
The silent love they've shared
Is the perfect bar crawl
On the longest evening
Repeated, over and over again.
The laugh that echoes between them
Is the song for all they have yet to say,
So when they begin to crash together
To melt, colliding
Into this love like they'd always known they would,
His lips on hers are honey
His breath in her ear like a rainstorm
Prickling her skin, teasing her lashes
Wrapping her up in the sanctity of what they will be.
His palms slip along the flesh of her back
Her neck, her hips, her thighs
And she is naked now, finally, for him.

To read "C" — Cascading, click here.
BW toned image of Man kissing woman on her neck while she is above him


Jade A. Waters

They met as one—
Two bodies pounding against each other
Forcing themselves together
In a grinding of
Sweat and pulsating,
Their bodies rippling
And slamming
Like two pieces of metal
Crushing anything in their way.
The gasps that echoed
Through the room
Seemed to mimic the thrusts
Of his body into hers
And the eagerness with which
She shoved herself
Right back against him.
They rolled around like this—
Two bodies of power
Two figures of energy
That broke through the chasm between them
And met furiously
In a collision
Of sheer enormity,
Their moans loud and continuous
Their bodies beating,
Until they collapsed
Like two fallen heroes
Upon the sheets.
