Couple holding hands in a car, lighting dim

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “E” – Eternity

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Is what they will have together;
She believes this in her heart
Feels it every time he takes her hand
"I like this, this time with you."
She answers him with a huge grin that only he can bring forth from her
"That's good. Because I love this time with you."
They can spend the longest hours driving round and around,
Staring at buildings, sights, pointing at stars
Talking about nothing
In a way that somehow still means everything.
The pad of his thumb slips back and forth on the edge of hers
And he catches her in that stare of his,
The sparkle in his eye winning her over as easily as his smile
When he winks and asks,
"What are you thinking?"
"That I am so happy here with you. It's unreal," she says back.
He squeezes her hand, steering them to wherever they will go,
Anywhere and everywhere she will go with him,
Before he says,
"Me too."

To read "F" — Fucking, click here.
Photo of man and woman in bed, she is laughing and they both look smitten

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “D” – Days

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Days pass by
And there is nothing but joy, pure joy
The two of them twining together
Like destiny has led them here, a silent spark
Anticipating the moment they'll catch on, too.
His fingers stroke through her hair,
His lips taste her skin
"I love you, I love this, how is it so perfect?" he asks.
She knows, because she always has—
So she curls him closer
As she takes him in, licks at his ear to make him laugh,
Says, "Because we were meant to be,"
And he stares at her when he plunges inside
Nodding with her
Knowing her, agreeing again and again.
They begin to move like
Their bodies have been ready
For the shifts between them, the unstoppable glow
Filling their cheeks

To read "E" — Eternity, click here.