B/W image of man holding woman tight, she is looking at camera looking sad

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “X” – X’s Mean Everything

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

X’s mean everything”
Is what she’d told him,
Little reveals of his love
When he couldn’t be near.
She’d never expected them from him,
But with her, he’d been a lover,
Devoted through and through
And every time he sent them,
They were the simplest thing that somehow
Managed to spread her heart further open,
A radiant flower blooming to reach more of the sun.
She clung to the x’s like his real life kisses
Despite the naysayers
The doubts, the fears
That’s why she’s startled when she sees them
In his sporadic notes now—
These little promises of love that contradict
The chaos he has run them through
The distance he has put between them
The everlasting silence echoing around her
When she reaches out for him and calls his name,
Because he is no longer really there
Not for her.

To read "Y" — You Are, click here.
Blurred image of a sexy pair kissing in the shower

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “U” – Under The Water

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Under the water he leads her,
A shower to wash away the sweet smell of their love
As much as the tears that have escaped down her cheeks.
He swipes at them, pulls her close,
His heartbeat steady through the wall of his chest and
Communing with the wild pace of hers.
“I know you hurt. I know that’s how you look at things,
But I don’t. Just…”
He shuffles his feet until his hips are tighter to hers
And he stares at her with eyes she wants to drown in as he says,
“Kiss me.”
She loves it when he says this,
Loves the way he can almost make everything okay again
As if nothing else, beyond this moment
Matters when it comes to them.
So she’s quick to press her lips to his,
Letting his kiss sweep her up
His fingers stroking along her back
To draw her nearer, always nearer,
His wet skin on hers feels too good
Too sweet, and as the kiss speeds and deepens
And their breaths grow windy,
Both of them are pining
For one more fuck
One more hold
One more whisper of the love they share.

To read "V" — Vastness, click here.
Silhouette of couple holding each other in front of window.

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “R” – Reality

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Reality is settling in
Like a cancer
Winding its way deep,
Seeping into her bones
In a ferocious cold spell to
Threaten an end she isn't ready for.
Over coffee, he tells her
“All the best things are bittersweet”—
Beautiful, wonderful memories that make him feel
Something, anything
But that always carry a twinge of pain.
She doesn’t think so.
She thinks good, beautiful things are worth the effort
If everyone can just be on the same page.
She sips her coffee beside him,
Listening to him speak while he tenderly strokes her thigh,
And she imagines the two of them old, together like this
Talking philosophy and love
Until the end.
She realizes then more fully than she has before
That their love is a beacon,
The sparkling star in her life,
And she’d do anything to keep it bright.

To read "S" — She Believes, click here.
B/W shadowed image of couple close on the bed looking out the window

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “P” – Perfect

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Perfect is the day he celebrates with her
Both of them silent over the abyss looming ahead
Instead tangled up,
Kissing, fucking, smiling,
Laughing, laughing, oh, how they can laugh together.
He toasts her for her win
Spoils her with affectionate kisses and cheers
And after another round that leaves them panting,
His naked skin on hers is the best prize of all,
His fingers laced with hers the one thing she truly wants.
But he offers dinner
Her favorite dinner
And she’s soaring all over again.
He says he does it because she appreciates it, which she does
Following him through the store,
Nearly skipping as he talks about
Sauces, seasonings, and specialty ingredients
And it battles the ache that’s started to weigh down her heart.
When they return, she kisses the back of his neck and says,
“I love when you cook for me.”
He abandons the groceries covering the counters for a moment,
Showering her in love while she continues,
“I want it often. All the time.”
He kisses her cheek and thumbs her chin
To make her heart pick up speed, because it blossoms
At his new, perfect promise:
“Then you shall have it.”

To read "Q" — Quivering, click here.
Romantic couple embracing, touching and kissing with passion on a ledge dressed up and in b/w

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “O” – Out They Go

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Out they go, a night to escape
Playing on the town
Like their lives, they
Depend on every second of this evening.
They laugh over dinner,
Drive with the stereo loud,
The moon roof open as they
Point at the stars
Like old times
Before he grabs her hand and takes her dancing,
Both of them close, giggling
And intoxicated,
Running from the problem,
The catch in what they share,
Spinning around and around on the dance floor
With hands creeping along each other’s sides.
“I love you so much,” she says.
“And I love you, too.”
He means it, this she knows
And she will dance here with him
Pressed tight
As close as they can be
For as long as it takes to forget
For now.

To read "P" — Perfect, click here.
Photo of couple laying on sides kissing passionately

A Love Affair, From A to Z: “K” – Kisses

The following is the next segment of "A Love Affair, From A to Z."
To start at the beginning of the poem, click here.
Jade A. Waters

Kisses, his kisses
Are her distraction throughout any day,
The sweetest addiction she craves when they are apart.
She imagines how he holds her when he gives them—
The fierce press of his lips,
The way his body is hot against hers
Always comforting, eternally strong.
And then there is the way they play their staring game sometimes,
In the deep kisses they share whenever they fuck;
He likes to dare her to look away—
His beautiful brown eyes seeking so far into her soul—
And it takes her a few rounds of this before she doesn't back away.
Now, she stares too, both of them smiling while
They fuck and kiss, never averting their eyes
I know you, I love you, I have you, always
Is the quiet song she hears behind these stares,
It is etched into their hearts, their very beings
And I see you.
This she knows—that he sees her,
Right down to the core of her,
And she never wants the kisses to stop.

To read "L" — Lucky, click here.
Artistic image of golden sunset against teal sky over golden cornfield


Jade A. Waters

He puts his hand on my thigh
And I feel my heart
He shouldn’t do this to me
Smooth palm, warm skin
Fingers making the slightest caress
And those eyes
Staring into me, reaching my soul.
“What do you think?” he asks.
I don’t know anymore
What the answer is
What he’s saying,
Are we talking about the sunset
Or the touch of his skin on mine?
It’s ridiculous how I
Lose myself with him,
How the sunset we’re watching
In comparison to those eyes
That hand, that mouth
Leaning into my ear.
“Well?” he whispers.
It’s not my heart that stops now
It’s my breathing.
I’m not breathing
I am holding here
Watching fingers curve over my thigh.
The rush of his breath on my cheek
Is sweeter than the golden glow
Of the horizon,
And I know I want all of him
His touch, his kiss
Basking with me here in this sunset.
So I raise my head,
Take a breath
Take this chance.
“It’s perfect,” I say,
And I lean in for the kiss
Radiating, golden and glorious
Beneath our sunset.
